how to Elias Lawliet how to Elias Lawliet

How Do I Become a Gender Doula?

One of the most common questions that I am asked is some variation of this title, "How do I become a gender doula?" This post is my best answer, which happens to mostly be questions for you.

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Trans Regret Elias Lawliet Trans Regret Elias Lawliet

What if I Regret Gender Transition?

We tend to have the most fear around the things we don’t understand. There’s the fear of regretting transition, the reality of regretting transition/parts of transition, and of course, the cultural narrative of regret. Each of these is its own large, nuanced topic. But I find that when you understand the reality of regret and what it entails, the fear of regret diminishes.

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Elias Lawliet Elias Lawliet

“Trans Regret” Isn’t Real

Raise your hand if, when you have told another person (friend, parent, doctor, therapist, etc) that you wanted to get a gender affirming medical intervention, they told you that you might regret it. Bonus points if they brought up some other “person they know” who got a gender affirming medical procedure and then had to get it reversed at great expense, and/or deeply regretted it, etc.

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Elias Lawliet Elias Lawliet

Am I Trans?

This question is just three words, but the moment it arises in your body and mind for the first time, it can really pack a wallop. For many folks, asking this question represents a much longer journey. This often starts when something inspires us to start questioning things about ourselves, the way we show up in the world, how we feel, and what it all means.

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